PhD in Human Ecology
The PhD programme in Human Ecology would make it possible for the post-graduate:
- to acquire a deeper knowledge of human ecological processes at both local and global levels with interpretation of their mutual consistency;
- to develop the ability to integrate different perspectives in order to foster the growth of more multifaceted insights on specific socio-ecological systems,
- to develop a perspective that combines a critical engagement with the global environmental and development issues with epistemological maturity and analytical precision,
- to apply these skills and knowledge in a scientific thesis.
Courses and activities offered within the Ph.D. programme
SAHE001 Reading course in the Theory of Science
SAHE002 Reading course in Central Theory in Human Ecology
SAHE003 Reading course in Methodological Specialization
SAHE004 Reading course in Thematic Specialization
SAHE005 Participation in Research Seminars
SAHE006 Specialized reading course adapted to specific needs of the doctoral student
Core reading lists for compulsory doctoral courses in Human Ecology
PhD Education in Human Ecology
PhD Education in Human Ecology
henrik_gutzon [dot] larsen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se