Plagiarism means that you copy other authors' texts without telling that's what you've done. This also applies to unpublished texts and your fellow students' texts. In practice, it is theft. Remember that you can always contact your supervisor, The Academic Support Centre, Social Sciences Faculty Library or your programme coordinator if you are unsure of how to deal with citation, referencing or if you have other questions regarding how to use others' texts.
Here are some examples of situations that count as plagiarism:
To copy others' texts literatim without stating the source
To copy and pretend that you have written the paragraph yourself, is plagiarism. Even if you put quotation marks around the paragraph it is considered plagiarism if you do not tell who you are citing.
To copy others' texts literatim without using quotation marks
Even if you write that it is someone else who has written the paragraph, you should clearly show exactly what is a quote and what you have written yourself.
To refer to others' work by only changing a few words or sentences in the text
When you refer to someone else's work you have to write the text with your own words. To big similarity in sentence construction and word choice is plagiarism.
To translate an English text into Swedish is the same as copying a text
You can translate an English text into Swedish and choose to call it a quote (author's translation). This means that you tell the reader that the text originally is written by someone else, but you have chosen to translate it to your readers.
To re-use own texts without making a reference
Yes, it can sound weird, but you are not allowed to use your own text without stating that it is a text that has been published at another time (when, where and how).
Urkund is the university's system to automatically review texts. All theses at the university and a few home assignments are reviewed in Urkund.