Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Agency and structure in regional development : in search of a social science research programme
Markus Grillitsch, Markku Sotarauta
(2025) European Planning Studies, 33 p.104-123
Journal articlePatterns of opportunity spaces and agency across regional contexts : Conditions and drivers for change
Markus Grillitsch, Josephine V. Rekers, Björn Asheim, Rune Dahl Fitjar, Silje Haus-Reve, et al.
(2024) Environment and Planning A
Journal articleRescaling : Change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships
Markus Grillitsch, Björn Asheim, Nichola Lowe, Sophie Kelmenson, Lea Fuenfschilling, et al.
(2024) Progress in Human Geography
Journal articleMunicipalities’ role in regional development: Navigating subsidiarity, place-based approaches, and geographical variation.
Markus Grillitsch, Linda Stihl, Brita Hermelin
(2024) Papers in Innovation Studies, 2024
Working paperCircular transitions in global production networks?: : a multi-scalar approach to anticipating socio-economic and socio-environmental effects of ‘x-shoring’
Jonathan Friedrich, Linda Stihl, Markus Grillitsch
(2024) Papers in Innovation Studies, 2024
Working paperStructural transformation, the knowledge economy, and the geography of low-income work
Alvaro von Borries, Markus Grillitsch, Karl Johan Lundquist
(2024) Journal of Economic Geography, 24 p.285-308
Journal articleAgents of change in old-industrial and non-metropolitan regions of Europe
Nadir Kinossian, Markus Grillitsch, Erika Nagy
(2024) European Planning Studies, 32 p.2283-2292
Journal article (comment)Bouncing forward better–micro-foundations of combinatorial innovation
Markus Grillitsch, Björn T. Asheim, Marte C.W. Solheim
(2024) Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
Journal articleTowards regenerative regional development in responsible value chains : an agentic response to recent crises
Markus Grillitsch, Björn T. Asheim
(2024) European Planning Studies, 32 p.2293-2318
Journal articlePower relations and local agency: a comparative study of European mining towns
Franziska Görmar, Markus Grillitsch, Vladan Hruska, Melinda Mihály, Erika Nagy, et al.
(2023) Urban Research & Practice, 16 p.558-581
Journal articleAdvancing innovation in manufacturing firms : knowledge base combinations in a local productive system
Monica Plechero, Markus Grillitsch
(2023) European Planning Studies, 31 p.1247-1269
Journal articleAgency and economic change in regions : identifying routes to new path development using qualitative comparative analysis
Markus Grillitsch, Markku Sotarauta, Björn Asheim, Rune Dahl Fitjar, Silje Haus-Reve, et al.
(2023) Regional Studies, 57 p.453-1468
Journal articleLeadership and governance challenges in delivering place-based transformation through Smart Specialisation
Iryna Fil Kristensen, Rhiannon Pugh, Markus Grillitsch
(2023) Regional Studies, 57 p.196-208
Journal articleVarieties of periphery and local agency in regional development
Trond Nilsen, Markus Grillitsch, Atle Hauge
(2023) Regional Studies, 57
Journal articlePath tracing in the study of agency and structures : Methodological considerations
Markku Sotarauta, Markus Grillitsch
(2023) Progress in Human Geography, 47
Journal articleHow does the regional presence of foreign-owned multinational enterprises affect local start-up performance
Markus Grillitsch, Mikhail Martynovich, Magnus Nilsson, Torben Schubert
(2023) , 2023/3
Working paperStudying human agency in regional development
Markku Sotarauta, Markus Grillitsch
(2023) Regional Studies, 57 p.1409-1414
Journal article (comment)De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleAssessing change agency in urban experiments for sustainability transitions
Lukas Roebke, Markus Grillitsch, Lars Coenen
(2022) Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 45 p.214-227
Journal articleThe geography of connectivity : a review of mobile positioning data for economic geography
Andreas Erlström, Ola Hall, Markus Grillitsch
(2022) Journal of Geographical Systems, 24 p.679-707
Journal article reviewThe role of initial and gradual trust in growing and unlocking regional industrial specialisations
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2022) Industry and Innovation, 29 p.825-846
Journal articleAdvancing the treatment of human agency in the analysis of regional economic development : Illustrated with three Norwegian cases
Markus Grillitsch, Bjørn Asheim, Arne Isaksen, Hjalti Nielsen
(2022) Growth and Change, 53 p.248-275
Journal articleTemporality of agency in regional development
Markus Grillitsch, Bjørn Asheim, Hjalti Nielsen
(2022) European Urban and Regional Studies, 29 p.107-125
Journal articleInnovationsekosystem i Skåne - Analys av fyra specialiseringsområden
Magnus Nilsson, Markus Grillitsch, Josephine V. Rekers, Jesper Salomonson, Lucas Du Priest
ReportThe black box of regional growth
Markus Grillitsch, Mikhail Martynovich, Rune Dahl Fitjar, Silje Haus-Reve
(2021) Journal of Geographical Systems , p.425-464
Journal articleTransformative innovation policy : A novel approach?
Markus Grillitsch, Teis Hansen, Stine Madsen
(2021) Handbook on Alternative Theories of Innovation , p.276-291
Book chapterDoes the Timing of Integrating New Skills Affect Start-up Growth?
Markus Grillitsch, Torben Schubert
(2021) Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 15 p.647-684
Journal articleInvestigating agency: methodological and empirical challenges
Markus Grillitsch, Josephine V. Rekers, Markku Sotarauta
(2021) Handbook on City and Regional Leadership , p.302-323
Book chapterTrinity of change agency, regional development paths and opportunity spaces
Markus Grillitsch, Markku Sotarauta
(2020) Progress in Human Geography, 44 p.704-723
Journal articleAgency and actors in regional industrial path development. A framework and longitudinal analysis
Suyash Jolly, Markus Grillitsch, Teis Hansen
(2020) Geoforum, 111 p.176-188
Journal articleResilience in the periphery: What an agency perspective can bring to the table
Heli Kurikka, Markus Grillitsch
(2020) Papers in Innovation Studies, 2020
Working paperHow novel is Transformative Innovation Policy?
Markus Grillitsch, Teis Hansen, Stine Madsen
(2020) Papers in Innovation Studies
Working paperInvestigating Agency: Methodological and Empirical Challenges
Josephine V. Rekers, Markus Grillitsch, Markku Sotarauta
Conference paper: abstractKnowledge base combinations and firm growth
Markus Grillitsch, Torben Schubert, Martin Srholec
(2019) Research Policy, 48 p.234-247
Journal articleWhen drivers of clusters shift scale from local towards global : What remains for regional innovation policy?
Markus Grillitsch, Josephine V. Rekers, Franz Tödtling
(2019) Geoforum, 102 p.57-68
Journal articleFollowing or breaking regional development paths : on the role and capability of the innovative entrepreneur
Markus Grillitsch
(2019) Regional Studies, 53 p.681-691
Journal articleKnowledge externalities and firm heterogeneity: Effects on high and low growth firms
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2019) Papers in Regional Science, 98 p.93-114
Journal articleGreen industry development in different types of regions
Markus Grillitsch, Teis Hansen
(2019) European Planning Studies, 27 p.2163-2183
Journal articleSistemas regionales de innovación : Pasado, presente y futuro
Björn Asheim, Markus Grillitsch, Michaela Trippl
(2019) Revista Galega de Economia, 28 p.4-22
Journal articleInnovation policy for system-wide transformation : The case of strategic innovation programmes (SIPs) in Sweden
Markus Grillitsch, Teis Hansen, Lars Coenen, Johan Miörner, Jerker Moodysson
(2019) Research Policy, 48 p.1048-1061
Journal articleBridging the gap : citizenship diversity and global innovation networks in small and medium size companies
Markus Grillitsch, Cristina Chaminade
(2018) European Planning Studies, 26 p.2279-2303
Journal articleCultural diversity and employment growth : Moderating effect of the recent global financial crisis
Markus Grillitsch, Sam Tavassoli
(2018) Australian Journal of Management, 43 p.632-652
Journal articleExogenous sources of regional industrial change : Attraction and absorption of non-local knowledge for new path development
Michaela Trippl, Markus Grillitsch, Arne Isaksen
(2018) Progress in Human Geography, 42 p.687-705
Journal articlePlace-based innovation policy for industrial diversification in regions
Markus Grillitsch, Bjørn Asheim
(2018) European Planning Studies, 26 p.1638-1662
Journal articleUnrelated knowledge combinations : The unexplored potential for regional industrial path development
Markus Grillitsch, Bjørn Asheim, Michaela Trippl
(2018) Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 11 p.257-274
Journal articleRegional innovation systems and global flows of knowledge
Roman Martin, Heidi Wiig Aslesen, Markus Grillitsch, Sverre J. Herstad
(2018) New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems - Theoretical Advances, Empirical Cases and Policy Lessons , p.127-147
Book chapterInnovation Policies and New Regional Growth Paths : A Place-Based System Failure Framework
Markus Grillitsch, Michaela Trippl
(2018) Innovation Policy, Systems and Management , p.329-358
Book chapterKnowledge Base Combinations and Innovation Performance in Swedish Regions
Markus Grillitsch, Roman Martin, Martin Srholec
(2017) Economic Geography, 93 p.458-479
Journal articleIntroduction : Combinatorial Knowledge Bases, Regional Innovation, and Development Dynamics
Bjørn Asheim, Markus Grillitsch, Michaela Trippl
(2017) Economic Geography, 93 p.429-435
Journal articleFirm performance in the periphery: on the relation between firm-internal knowledge and local knowledge-spillovers
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2017) Regional Studies, 51 p.1219-1231
Journal articleCluster policy : Renewal through the integration of institutional variety
Markus Grillitsch, Bjørn T. Asheim
(2017) The Life Cycle of Clusters : A Policy Perspective , p.76-94
Book chapterKnowledge externalities and firm heterogeneity: Effects on high and low growth firms
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2017) Papers in Innovation Studies, 2017/6
Working paperSmart Specialization as an Innovation-Driven Strategy for Economic Diversification : Examples From Scandinavian Regions
Bjørn Asheim, Markus Grillitsch, Michaela Trippl
(2017) Advances in the Theory and Practice of Smart Specialization , p.73-97
Book chapterRegional innovation systems : Past - present - future
Björn T. Asheim, Markus Grillitsch, Michaela Trippl
(2016) Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation , p.45-62
Book chapterDoes institutional diversity promote global innovation networks?
Markus Grillitsch, Cristina Chaminade
(2016) Papers in Innovation Studies, 2016
Working paperRevisiting the role of selection for the evolution of industries
Markus Grillitsch, Josephine Rekers
(2016) Industry and Innovation, 23 p.112-129
Journal articleUnderstanding cluster evolution
Michaela Trippl, Marcus Grillitsch, Arne Isaksen, Tanja Sinoƶic
(2016) Unfolding Cluster Evolution , p.267-281
Book chapterHow does multi-scalar institutional change affect localized learning processes? A case study of the med-tech sector in Southern Sweden
Markus Grillitsch, Josephine Rekers
(2016) Environment & Planning A, 48 p.154-171
Journal articleInstitutions, smart specialisation dynamics and policy
Markus Grillitsch
(2016) Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34 p.22-37
Journal articlePerspectives on Cluster Evolution : Critical Review and Future Research Issues
Michaela Trippl, Markus Grillitsch, Arne Isaksen, Tanja Sinozic
(2015) European Planning Studies, 23 p.2028-2044
Journal articleInstitutional Layers, Connectedness and Change: Implications for Economic Evolution in Regions
Markus Grillitsch
(2015) European Planning Studies, 23 p.2099-2099
Journal articleVariety in knowledge sourcing, geography and innovation: Evidence from the ICT sector in Austria
Markus Grillitsch, Franz Tödtling, Christoph Höglinger
(2015) Papers in Regional Science, 94 p.25-25
Journal articleFirm Performance in the Periphery: On the Relation between Firm-Internal Knowledge and Local Knowledge Spillovers
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2015) Papers in Innovation Studies, 2015
Working paperInnovation in peripheral regions: Do collaborations compensate for a lack of local knowledge spillovers?
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2015) Annals of Regional Science, 54 p.299-321
Journal articleDoes Combinatorial Knowledge Lead to a Better Innovation Performance of Firms?
Franz Toedtling, Markus Grillitsch
(2015) European Planning Studies, 23 p.1741-1758
Journal articleTypes of innovation, competencies of firms and external knowledge sourcing - Findings from selected sectors and regions of Europe
Markus Grillitsch
(2014) Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 5 p.330-330
Journal articleInnovation in peripheral regions: Do collaborations compensate for a lack of local knowledge spillovers?
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2014) Papers in Innovation Studies, WP2014/33
Working paperCombining Knowledge from Different Sources, Channels and Geographical Scales
Markus Grillitsch, Michaela Trippl
(2014) European Planning Studies, 22 p.2305-2325
Journal articleInnovation and knowledge sourcing of modern sectors in old industrial regions : Comparing software firms in Moravia-Silesia and Upper Austria
Franz Tödtling, Karel Skokan, Christoph Höglinger, Petr Rumpel, Markus Grillitsch
(2013) European Urban and Regional Studies, 20 p.188-205
Journal articleTechnological competencies and firm performance: Analyzing the importance of internal and external competencies
Markus Grillitsch, Magnus Nilsson
(2013) CIRCLE electronic working paper series
Working paperKnowledge Sourcing and Innovation in Austrian ICT Companies-How Does Geography Matter?
Franz Tödtling, Markus Grillitsch, Christoph Höglinger
(2012) Industry and Innovation, 19 p.327-348
Journal articleKnowledge relations and innovation from a regional perspective
Franz Tödtling, Christoph Höglinger, Markus Grillitsch
(2012) Networks, Space and Competitiveness : Evolving Challenges for Sustainable Growth , p.107-134
Book chapterConstructing Regional Advantage in the Austrian ICT Sector-Towards Fine-Tuned Innovation Policies?
Franz Tödtling, Roland Schneider, Markus Grillitsch, Christoph Höglinger
(2011) Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2 p.533-549
Journal article