Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Field Notes on Repair: 4
Simon Sadler, Tamara Kneese, Nina Briggs, Kavita Ramakrishnan, Aaron Crayer, et al.
(2024) Places
Journal article (comment)Inledning: Läget i staden
Johan Pries, Miriam Negash, Erik Jönsson
(2024) Läget i staden : Fallet Norra Sorgenfri, mellanrummet och innerstaden som löfte , p.7-20
Book chapterNorra Sorgenfri halvvägs? : Lärdomar, slutsatser och förslag
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson, Miriam Negash
(2024) Läget i staden: fallet Norra Sorgenfri, mellanrummet och innerstad som löfte
Book chapterOm Norra Sorgenfri och plats som relationell planeringsintervention
Johan Pries
(2024) Läget i staden: fallet Norra Sorgenfri, mellanrummet och innerstad som löfte , p.101-124
Book chapterA popular public sphere: uncovering the making and memories The Swedish People’s Parks
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
Conference paper: abstractSpatial Theory in Planning Practice? : On the Concepts of Space that Made Urban Design a Planning Solution for Segregation in Malmö, Sweden
Johan Pries
(2024) Antipode, 56 p.1419-1439
Journal articleFrom grassroots commons in crisis to urban, public places? The Swedish People's parks in the long downturn of organized labor
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
Conference paper: abstractPlats för motstånd? Folkets park som politisk samlingsplats under storstrejken 1909.
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
(2023) Arbetarhistoria: Meddelanden från arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek
Journal articleFilling in the gap between the city and the periphery : Racialized spatial imaginaries of recent urban renewal in Malmö, Sweden
Johan Pries, Miriam Negash
PosterPlanning in and against the urban commons
Johan Pries
(2023) CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. CCIT
Journal articleOne plan, multiple models: The General Plan for Stockholm as an instaurational text.
Sued Ferreira, Johan Pries
Conference paper: abstractAtt riva Fäladsskolan vore ett stort misstag
Johan Pries, Jennie Gustafsson, Karin Zackari, Ximena San Cristobal
(2023) Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Debatt
Newspaper articleFolkets Hus och Folkets Parker : arbetarrörelsens unika kulturarv
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
(2023) Plan , p.12-19
Journal articleWorkers building the People’s Park: experiments in movement-made leisure spaces in 19th century
Johan Pries
Conference paper: abstract“The People’s Park is bigger, more freely located, more beautiful and – Our own park”: Workers, parks, and the spaces of class struggle in turn of the century Norrköping, Sweden. Environment
Erik Jönsson, Johan Pries, Don Mitchell
(2022) Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40
Journal articleField Notes on Design Activism: 3
Johan Pries, Gabrielle Esperdy, Naomi Stead, Liz Brogden, Gabriel Cuéllar, et al.
(2022) Places
Journal articleMike Davis lämnar ett unikt material till nästa generation
Johan Pries
(2022) Flamman
Journal articleFolkparkernas roll som politiska samlingsplatser: Reflektioner kring storstrejken 1909
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
Conference paperBook review: Kenny Cupers, Catharina Gabrielsson and Helena Mattsson (eds.) 2020: Neoliberalism on the Ground: Architecture and Transformation from the 1960s to the Present.
Johan Pries
(2022) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
ReviewRevisiting the green geographies of welfare planning : an introduction
Johan Pries, Mattias Qviström
(2022) Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 104 p.185-191
Journal articleDislocating the spaces of death and life with ArkDes and Sigurd Lewerentz
Johan Pries
(2022) Urban Matters, 1
ReviewA technocratic road to spatial justice? : The standard as planning knowledge and the making of postwar Sweden’s welfare landscapes
Johan Pries
(2022) Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 104 p.285-305
Journal articleUnmapping green space : Discursive dispossession of the right to green space by a compact city planning epistemology
Alva Zalar, Johan Pries
(2022) City, 26 p.51-73
Journal articleP. J. Welinder et le "syndicalisme à l’américaine" dans la Suède de l’entre-deux-guerres
Johan Pries
(2022) Wobblies du Monde Entier: Une histoire globale de l’Industrial Workers of the World , p.345-356
Book chapterRed outposts in a hostile landscape: People's houses, People's parks and the reconstruction of rural southern Sweden's political geography, 1889–1909
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson, Don Mitchell
(2022) Political Geography, 99
Journal articleScener ur Lisa Bauers vardagsvärld.
Johan Pries
(2021) KRITIK: Tidskrift för arkitektur, 21 p.50-57
Journal articleUpprört när politiker vill förtäta städernas mest utsatta delar
Johan Pries
(2021) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleFältanteckningar om förtätningens konsekvenser för barnens bilfria stadslandskap
Johan Pries
Web publicationPublic space in a city of streets and sidewalks: repackaging urban critical theory in the development of eastern Malmö
Johan Pries
Conference paper: abstract130 år av brokigt folkliv
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson, Don Mitchell
(2021) Dagens arena
Journal articleThe patchwork planning of a welfare landscape: reappraising the role of leisure planning in the Swedish welfare state
Johan Pries, Mattias Qviström
(2021) Planning Perspectives, 36 p.923-948
Journal articleMaking the People's landscape : Landscape ideals, collective labour, and the People's parks (Folkets Parker) movement in Sweden, 1891-present
Don Mitchell, Erik Jönsson, Johan Pries
(2021) Journal of Historical Geography, 72 p.23-39
Journal articleParks and Houses for the People
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson, Don Mitchell
(2020) Places
Journal articleField Notes on Pandemic Teaching
Johan Pries, Andrew Herscher, Hugh Campbell, Shannon Mattern, Erin Moore, et al.
(2020) Places
Journal articleNeoliberal Urban Planning Through Social Government: Notes on the Demographic Re‐engineering of Malmö
Johan Pries
(2020) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44 p.248-265
Journal articleVälfärdens landskap i förtätningens tidevarv
Johan Pries, Mattias Qviström
(2020) Tidningen Utemiljö, 5
Journal articleRecension: "PUSH", Fredrik Gertten, 2019.
Johan Pries
(2019) KRITIK: Tidskrift för arkitektur
ReviewOm den relationella urbangeografins gränser : Fältanteckningar: Norra Sorgenfri, Malmö, 2019.
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson, Burcu Yigit Turan
(2019) KRITIK: Tidskrift för arkitektur
Journal articlePerspektiv: Det finns inga genvägar till trygga städer
Johan Pries, Niclas Hell
(2019) Dagens Samhälle
Newspaper articleTranslocalising and Relocalising Antifascist Struggles : From #KämpaShowan to #KämpaMalmö
Samuel Merrill, Johan Pries
(2019) Antipode, 51 p.248-270
Journal articleOn the Uses of Geography in a Moment of Rising Fascism
Johan Pries
(2019) Antipode Online
Journal articleVar är husockupationerna i den nyliberala staden?
Johan Pries
(2019) Ockuperat! : Svenska husockupationer 1968-2018
Book chapterAtt skapa rum för rörelse : Folkets parks historia
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
(2019) Arbetarhistoria: meddelande från arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek , p.50-51
Journal articleRapport från förtätad förort : Fältanteckningar från Norra Fäladen, Lund.
Johan Pries
(2019) KRITIK: Tidskrift för arkitektur , p.28-41
Journal articleKampen om minnet : 30 november i Lund 1985–2008
Andrés Brink Pinto, Johan Pries
(2019) En historiker korsar sitt spår : En vänbok till Roger Johansson om att lära sig av historien och lära ut historia , p.153-178
Book chapterA technocratic road to spatial justice? Examining the welfare landscapes of Swedish postwar planning,
Johan Pries
Conference paper: abstractChallenging fascist spatial claims : The struggle over the 30 November marches in southern Sweden
Andrés Brink Pinto, Johan Pries
(2019) Anti-Fascism in the Nordic Countries : New Perspectives, Comparisons and Transnational Connections , p.254-270
Book chapterRemaking the People’s Park : Heritage Renewal Troubled by Past Political Struggles?
Johan Pries, Erik Jönsson
(2019) Culture Unbound, 11 p.78-103
Journal articleLingering landscapes: an examination of the heterogeneous remains of welfare planning
Johan Pries, Mattias Qviström
Conference paper: abstractP. J. Welinder and “American Syndicalism” in Interwar Sweden
Johan Pries
(2018) Wobblies of the World : A Global History of the IWW
Book chapterRethinking transformative events to understand the making of new contentious performances : The "autonomous left" and the anti-fascist blockade in Lund 1991
Andrés Brink Pinto, Johan Pries
(2017) Radical Left Movements in Europe , p.156-172
Book chapterReview of "The Limits of Neoliberalism: Authority, Sovereignty and the Logic of Competition"
Johan Pries
(2017) People, Place and Policy, 11
ReviewSocial Neoliberalism through Urban Planning : Bureaucratic Formations and Contradictions in Malmö since 1985
Johan Pries
DissertationBook review. "Rethinking Social Exclusion - The End of the Social"
Johan Pries
(2016) People, Place and Policy, 10 p.185-187
Review'Här slutar Sverige' : Ockupationen på Ringgatan i Malmö 1990
Johan Pries, Karin Zackari
(2016) Politik underifrån : Kollektiva konfrontationer under Sveriges 1900-tal
Book chapterThe antifascist blockades in Lund 1991-1993 : Shifting repertoires of contention between local cultures of protest and trans-local connections.
Johan Pries, Andres Brink Pinto
Conference paperScandia introducerar: David Harvey och det förflutnas geografi
Johan Pries
(2013) Scandia, 79 p.137-144
Journal articleRecension: Space for Urban Alternatives? - Christiania 1971-2011
Johan Pries
(2012) Scandia, 78 p.147-148