Academic advisor (Leave of Absence)
Department of Human Geography
Occupation: Administrative Director of Studies. Programme Coordinator for the master's programme in International Development and Management (LUMID).
Education: M.Sc. in Human Geography, M.Sc. in Policital Science, B.Sc. in Human Geography, B.Sc. in Political Science, B.Sc. in Intelligence Analysis from Lund University.
Thematic research interests: Civil Resistance, Defection within Security Forces, Geopolitics, Hydropolitics, Intelligence Studies, Security Policy, Terrorism
Regional research interests: Iran, the Middle East
Khoshnood, Arvin (2012). Islam framförallt – Islamiska republiken Irans utrikespolitiska mål [Islam above all - The Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Policy Objectives]. Orientaliska studier, 132, 52-93.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2012). Sista ordet – Beslutsfattande i Islamiska republiken Irans utrikespolitik [The Last Word - Decision Making in the Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Policy]. Orientaliska studier, 130, 16-48.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2011). Kinas blickar mot Västasien – Om drakens hunger efter allierade, vapen och olja [The Chinese Look toward the West Asia – About the Dragon’s Hunger for Allies, Weapons and Oil]. Orientaliska studier, 127, 21-41.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2023). EU måste terrorstämpla revolutionsgardet i Iran [The EU Must Designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Terrorist Organisation]. Dagens Arena, 18 January.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2009). Den iranska eliten vill inte ha demokrati [The Iranian Elite Does Not Want Democracy]. Internationella studier, 4, 13-115.
Lectures and Expert Participation (selection)
Khoshnood, Arvin (2024). Panelist. Seminar, "Terrorstämpla islamiska revolutionsgardet inom EU" [Designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Terrorist Organisation within the EU], arranged by the Sweden Democrats and the ChristianDemocrats, the Swedish Parliament, 22 May, Stockholm, Sweden.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2024). Breaking Ranks: Fostering Defection within the Islamic Regime’s Armed Forces and the Role of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. Seminar, "IRGC is NOT an Organ of a Nation-State, but a Terrorist Organization", arranged by Iran Novin Party (hosted by the ECR group), the European Parliament, 4 April, Brussels, Belgium.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2023). Prospects for Democracy in Iran – Challenges and Opportunities. Seminar, "CMES Seminar Series", arranged by Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, 11 May, Lund, Sweden.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2023). Fattigdom och rekrytering till islamiska regimens säkerhetsstyrkor [Poverty and Recruitment to the Islamic Regime's Security Forces]. Seminar, "IRGC in Focus", arranged by Iran in Focus, 28 March, Stockholm, Sweden.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2019). Deprivation and Democracy in Iran -The Negative Impact of International Trade. Seminar, “Iran and the Changing World Order”, arranged by “China-Eurasia” Council for Political and Strategic Research, 12 March, Jerevan, Armenia.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2017). Poverty in the Post-Nuclear Agreement Iran - The Dilemma of Lifting the Sanctions. Lecture, bachelor's programme in Global Governance, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 16 November, Rome, Italy.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2014). Human Rights Violations in Iran - Tortures, executions and de-development since 1979. Lecture, Amnesty International, 11 February, Lund, Sweden.
Conference Contributions
Khoshnood, Arvin (2017). Deprivation in Iran – Poverty, Islam and Regime Security. 2017 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research: Religion and Poverty, University of Salzburg, 21-22 September, Salzburg, Austria.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2017). Securitization of Poverty – Ali Khamenei’s Poverty Discourse and Determination of the Poverty Line in Iran. Symposia Iranica's Third Biennial Conference, University of Cambridge, 11-12 april, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2016). Poverty as a Regime Security Objective – The Case of Islamic Republic of Iran. Development Research Day - End Hunger and Achieve Food Security by 2030, Lund University, 10 November, Lund, Sweden.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2013). Water Scarcity in the Levant: The Cost of Water, War and Co-operation. 17th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 14-15 June, Stockholm, Sweden.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2011). War or Cooperation? – The Role of Water in the Future of the Jordan River. Development Research Day - Development, Peace and Statebuilding, Lund University, 21 September, Lund, Sweden.
Book Reviews
Khoshnood, Arvin (2016). [Hovsepian-Bearce, Yvette (2016). The Political Ideology of Ayatollah Khamenei – Out of the mouth of the Supreme Leader of Iran. London: Routledge]. Orientaliska studier, 145, 116-120.
Khoshnood, Arvin (2014). [Gilly, Pierre (2013). Informationskriget mot Iran. Stockholm: Verbal förlag]. Orientaliska Studier, 137, 85-99.