Doctoral student with a background in Urban & Regional Planning, with a MSc in Human Geography, currently researching on the spatial relationship of labour market conditions and its effects on the patterns of segregation and inequality over time.
Supervisors: Markus Grillitsch, Ola Hall & Nicklas Guldåker
The PhD project aims to study how structural transformations of the economy influence the spatial pattern of inequality. The project focuses on the transition into a knowledge-based service economy and how it has shaped spatial disparities within and between Swedish regions.
Course Convenor on:
- SGEA23:3 Applied Methods in Planning, 7.5 credits
- SGEK03:1 Research Methodology, 7.5 credits
- HEKK03:1 Research Methdology I, 7.5 credits
Teacher at:
- SGEL70 : Foundations of Planning, 15 credits
- SGEL73 : Planning Theory, 7.5 credits
- SGEA23:1 The Region as an arena in economic development, 7.5 credits
- SGEA23:4 : Project work, 7.5 credits
- SGEL52 : Project work, 7.5 credits
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The geography of connectivity : a review of mobile positioning data for economic geography
Andreas Erlström, Ola Hall, Markus Grillitsch
(2022) Journal of Geographical Systems, 24 p.679-707
Journal article reviewCities and regions in crisis: the political economy of sub-national economic development
Andreas Erlström
(2021) Eurasian Geography and Economics