- Teaches on 6 courses
- Course convener for SGEM24
Associate Professor of Human Geography and master programme (HUGE) manager. Educated at Copenhagen and Lund universities, and The Graduate Center of the University of New York (CUNY). Furthermore Lund Hansen has been visiting research scholar at: Centre for Social, Spatial & Economic Justice, University of British Columbia (UBC), 2014 & 2011; Department of Geography, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, 2007. Elected committee member of the International Critical Geography Group.
Main research interests: political economy/ecology, urban political geography, social geography, gentrification, housing, planning and visual methodologies.
Current research projects
FESSUD, FP7 Grant (2011-2016): Financialisation, Economy, Society and Sustainable Development . Our research aims to investigate relations between financialization of the built environment and urban regeneration and development in European cities. The research will analyze how financialization of the built environment – manifested in the expansion of REITs and similar forms of securitizations and networked financing of infrastructure – has impacted upon the politics and the social constitution of cities, and in turn impacted upon material flows, ecologically unequal exchange and conditions for sustainability.
CRUSH is a Strong Research Environment financed by FORMAS. It will run between 2014 and 2018 and its prime interest is the current acute housing crisis in Sweden. The aim of CRUSH is also to remain a flexible research platform that can engage with other emerging urban issues. CRUSH brings together researchers from Göteborg, Uppsala, Lund and Malmö who draw on critical theory to make sense of the contemporary city and in particular its housing condition.
ENTITLE is an EU-funded Initial Training Network under the Marie Curie action of FP7. It is coordinated by ICTA at the Autonomous University of Barcelona with the collaboration of 8 Universities, 2 Non-governmental organizations and 1 Environmental consultancy. ENTITLE will train 18 researchers in the emerging inter-disciplinary field of Political Ecology.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Responding to Urban Challenges in the Twenty-First Century
Vasna Ramasar, Anders Lund Hansen, Claus Wilhelmsen
(2024) Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, 4 p.1-1
Journal article (letter)Christiania's 50th birthday parade : photo and video collage
Anders Lund Hansen
Web publicationInsights into the governing of the narcotic city of Copenhagen : Christiania’s 50th birthday parade
Anders Lund Hansen, Louise Fabian
Working paperEn socioekologiskt rättvis bostadsmarknad
Anders Lund Hansen
(2021) Bostadsmanifest : 22 krav för framtidens hem , p.38-38
Book chapterCommon resistance against state-led stigmatization and displacement
Louise Fabian, Anders Lund Hansen
(2020) Housing displacement : conceptual and methodological issues , p.125-143
Book chapterCare and Homelessness in the Shadow of Planetary Crisis
Louise Fabian, Anders Lund Hansen, Mads Engholm
(2020) Marginalization and space in times of Covid-19 : Lockdown report , p.19-33
Report chapterNotes and Pictures from a Shutdown Christiania
Anders Lund Hansen, Emmerik Warburg, Louise Fabian
(2020) Marginalization and space in times of Covid-19 : Lockdown report. , p.62-62
Report chapterCorona hotar förvärra svenska bostadskrisen : 108 forskare: Sveriges regering och kommuner måste förhindra en katastrof
Anders Lund Hansen, Eric Clark, Verner Denvall, Ilia Farahani, Lovisa Häckner Posse, et al.
(2020) Aftonbladet
Newspaper article‘Housing activism, neoliberalization and the right to stay put’ (unpublished manuscript)
Louise Fabian, Anders Lund Hansen, Nick Jenisch, Elena Kaarup-Christensen
Working paperDoctoral dissertations in human geography from Swedish universities 1884-2015: demographics, formats and productivity
Thomas Niedomysl, Martin Prowse, Anders Lund Hansen
(2018) Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42 p.337-355
Journal articleI værste fald kan Airbnb gøre folk hjemløse
Louise Fabian, Anders Lund Hansen
(2017) Berlingske , p.32-32
Newspaper articleBoligpolitikken er en storpolitisk ideologisk kampplads : Boligen ses som et strategisk værktøj og et investeringsobjekt frem for en ramme for menneskers livsverden.
Anders Lund Hansen
(2017) Jyllandsposten, 2017
Newspaper articleThe Right to Freedom from Displacement : Practical Implementation and Challenges
Anders Lund Hansen, Eric Clark
(2017) Human Rights Cities and Regions : Swedish and International Perspectives , p.23-30
Book chapterHomelessness, community activism and culture & catastrophe profiteering in New Orleans.
Louise Fabian, Nick Jenisch, Aron Chang, Dustin Robertson, Thomas Bürk, et al.
ReportIntroduction au dossier: «Retour sur La question du logement»
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen, Gordon MacLeod, Tom Slater
(2017) Espaces et Sociétés , p.125-131
Journal articleFinancialisation of Built Environments in Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Ankara: Housing Policy and Cooperative Housing
Eric Clark, Adam Grydehøj, Anders Lund Hansen, Aylin Topal
(2016) FESSUD Working Paper Series , p.1-1
Working paperLast Stand or Renewed Urban Activism: The 2007 Copenhagen Youth House Uprising
Anders Lund Hansen
(2016) Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology
Book chapterIntroduction: Neoliberalism and Post-Welfare Nordic States in Transition
Anders Lund Hansen, Lawrence Berg, Guy Baeten
(2016) Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 97 p.209-209
Journal articleNeoliberalism and Post-Welfare Nordic States in Transition
(2016) Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 97 p.209-274
Editor for a journalWohnen als öffentliches Gut auf dem Prüfstand: Wohnungsreformen in Dänemark und Schweden
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2016) Geographische Rundschau, 68 p.26-31
Journal articleThe Housing Question revisited
(2016) ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 15 p.580-683
Editor for a journalIntroduction: The Housing Question Revisited
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen, Gordon MacLeod, Tom Slater
(2016) ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 15 p.580-589
Journal articleFinancialisation of the Built Environment in Stockholm and Copenhagen
Anders Lund Hansen, Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Adam Grydehøj, Eric Clark
(2015) FESSUD Working Paper Series, 115
Working paperFinancialisation of Built Environments: A Literature Review
Eric Clark, Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2015) FESSUD Working Paper Series, 114
Working paperThe Swedish Financial System
Alexis Stenfors, Eric Clark, Ilia Farahani, Anders Lund Hansen, Passarella, Marco
(2015) FESSUD Studies in Financial Systems, 13
Working paperCommodifying Danish housing commons
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2015) Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 97 p.262-274
Journal articleVar ska vi bo när staden blir ett varumärke?
Guy Baeten, Catharina Thörn, Carina Listerborn, Anders Lund Hansen
OtherKöpenhamn – varsam eller traumatisk gentrifiering?
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2014) Gentrifiering , p.189-213
Book chapterRum, neo-marxisme og forandring
Anders Lund Hansen
(2013) Samfundsøkonomen , p.12-17
Journal articleRetten til byen
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2012) Byen i bevægelse : Mobilitet - politik - performativitet , p.131-147
Book chapterAccumulation by Dispossession and Neoliberal Urban Planning: ‘Landing’ the Mega-Projects in Taipei
Sue-Ching Jou, Anders Lund Hansen, Hsin-Ling Wu
(2012) GeoJournal Library, 102 p.151-171
Conference paper: abstractAccumulation by dispossession and Neoliberal Urban Planning: “Landing” the Mega-projects in Taipei
Jou Sue-Ching, Wu Hsin-Ling, Anders Lund Hansen
(2012) The Contradictions of Neoliberal Planning: Cities, Policies and Politics.
Book chapterChristiania and the right to the city
Anders Lund Hansen
(2011) Space for alternative urbanisms? Christiania 1971-2011 , p.288-308
Book chapterIntroduction - David Harveys återpolitisering av staden
Anders Lund Hansen
(2011) Ojämlikhetens nya geografi. Texter om stadens och rummets förändringar under den globala kapitalismen
Book chapterInterventions in Nordic political geographies
Sami Moisio, Kristian Stokke, Elin Sæther, Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Richard Ek, et al.
(2011) Political Geography, 30 p.241-249
Journal articleForty Years of System Change: Lessons from the free city of Christiania
Anders Lund Hansen
(2010) Climate Change—Who’s Carrying the Burden? The chilly climates of the global environmental dilemma , p.117-130
Book chapterTowards a noncapitalistic or zombified neoliberal China
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference - otherNew York for sale: community planning confronts global real estate
Anders Lund Hansen
(2010) Urban Studies, 47 p.1826-1828
ReviewSmith, Neil
Anders Lund Hansen
(2009) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 10 p.163-164
Article in encyclopediaHerskabeliggørelse : gentrification på dansk
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2009) Geografisk Orientering, 39 p.33-35
Journal articleSpace wars and urban governance: creative and inhumane urban transformation.
Anders Lund Hansen
(2009) Urban Governance in Europe , p.111-132
Book chapterWalking through a liquid forest of symbols
Anders Lund Hansen
(2008) Liminalities, 4
Journal articleGentrification—Gentle or Traumatic? Urban Renewal Policies and Socioeconomic Transformations in Copenhagen
Henrik Gutzon Larsen, Anders Lund Hansen
(2008) Urban Studies, 45 p.2429-2448
Journal articleKriminalisering af kritisk samfunds-forskning - et værn mod terror?
Eric Clark, Anders Lund Hansen
(2007) Information , p.3-3
Newspaper articleReport from the rebuilding of The Cigar Box in Christiania
Anders Lund Hansen
(2007) Christianshavneren
Newspaper articleWalking Manhattan – an island in the center of vagabond capitalism
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperThe endgame of Christiania: a tale about space wars in the neo-liberal city
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperGlobalisering, skala og forandringer i urbanpolitikken
Anders Lund Hansen
(2007) Planlægning i teori og praksis - et tværfagligt perspektiv), pp. 209-226.
BookSpace wars and the new urban imperialism: the case of Christiania
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperBorgerlighet
(2007) Fronesis
Editor for a journalGentle gentrification? Urban renewal policies and socio-cultural transformations in Copenhagen
Anders Lund Hansen, Henrik Gutzon Larsen
Conference paperGlobalisering, skala, governance og planlægning
Anders Lund Hansen
(2007) Planlægning i teori og praksis : et tværfagligt perspektiv
Book chapterThe urban revolution: space wars and the endgame of Christiania
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperSpace wars and the new urban imperialism: inhumane creative urban governance
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperSpace wars and the new urban imperialism
Anders Lund Hansen
(2006) Meddelande från Lunds universitets geografiska institution. Avhandlingar
DissertationPeople’s home: potential platforms for post-neoliberal urban transformations?
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paper: abstractNew urban imperialism: Space wars, urbicide and the urban tango of Vagabond Capitalism
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperGlobalizing L.A.: trade, infrastructure, and regional development
Lars Frederiksen, Anders Lund Hansen, Jan Vang-Lauridsen
(2005) Regional Studies
ReviewEn öppen stad, en ej befästad
Magnus Hörnqvist, Anders Lund Hansen, Hanna Pettersson, Olav Unsgaard, Magnus Wennerhag
(2005) Fronesis , p.8-19
Journal articleThe new urban imperialism: Space wars, urbicide and the urban tango of Vagabond Capitalism
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperRumskrig, nyliberalism och skalpolitik: en odyssé från ’normaliseringen’ av Christiania till en ny värld av kraftfulla storstadsområden
Anders Lund Hansen
(2005) Fronesis , p.86-93
Journal articleStaden
(2005) Fronesis
Editor for a journalNormalisering som bypolitik
Anders Lund Hansen, et. al.
(2004) Charter for fremtidens Christiania
ReportRescaling of the commercial property market and changing urban governance in Lisbon
Anders Lund Hansen
(2004) Geocarrefour , p.301-312
Journal articleThe global-local nexus of space wars and the urban tango of vagabond capitalism
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperThe global-local nexus of space wars – from New York to Lisbon and Copenhagen
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperKritikai politikai gazdaságtanok: városok, regiók és a nemzetközi gazdaság
Anders Lund Hansen
(2003) Tér és Társadalom , p.113-115
Journal articleThe global-local nexus of space wars in Copenhagen : Uneven development in the age of vagabond capitalism
Anders Lund Hansen
(2003) Meddelande från Lunds universitets geografiska institutioner. Licentiatavhandlingar
Licentiate thesisSpace wars – a street level odyssey through the center of the American empire: New York City
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperUrban space wars in 'wonderful' Copenhagen: uneven development in the age of vagabond capitalism
Anders Lund Hansen
(2003) Identity Dynamics and the Construction of Boundaries , p.121-142
Book chapterRescaling of the commercial property market and changing urban governance in Lisbon
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperSpace, place and the body: nordiske geografier i forandring
Anders Lund Hansen, Esben H. Palludan
(2002) Information fra Nordiske Sommeruniversitet
ReportUrban space wars: globalization, urban governance and social change in Copenhagen
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperGrænser, identitet og konstruktionen af sociale rum. Information fra Nordiske Sommeruniversitet
Anders Lund Hansen, Esben H. Palludan
(2001) Information fra Nordiske Sommeruniversitet
ReportRum - globaliseret og repræsenteret?
Anders Lund Hansen, et. al.
(2001) Information fra Nordiske Sommeruniversitet
ReportCreative Copenhagen: globalization, urban governance and social change
Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperCreative Copenhagen : Globalization, urban governance and social change
Anders Lund Hansen, Hans Thor Andersen, Eric Clark
(2001) European Planning Studies, 9 p.851-869
Journal articleGlobalisering & urban forandring: en analyse af globalisering af erhvervsejendomsmarkedet og urbanpolitik i København
Anders Lund Hansen
Licentiate thesisUrban Politics and Globalization of Property Markets: the Case of Copenhagen
Eric Clark, Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paperGlobalization of a commercial property market : the case of Copenhagen
Eric Clark, Anders Lund Hansen
(2000) Geoforum, 31 p.467-475
Journal articleGlobalization of the Copenhagen property market
Eric Clark, Anders Lund Hansen
Conference paper