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Alf Hornborg is Professor of Human Ecology at Lund University since 1993. He received his Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Uppsala in 1986 and has taught at Uppsala and at the University of Gothenburg. He has done field research in Peru, Nova Scotia, the Kingdom of Tonga, and Brazil. His primary research interest is the cultural and political dimensions of human-environmental relations in past and present societies, particularly from the perspective of world-system analysis. This has led him to explore various perspectives not only from anthropology but also from trans-disciplinary fields such as environmental history, ecological economics, political ecology, and development studies. The central ambition has been to examine how specific cultural assumptions constrain human approaches to economics, technology, and ecology, and how such assumptions tend to serve as ideologies that reproduce social relations of power.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Swedish human ecology, political ecology, and the struggle for interdisciplinarity : Bridging the socio-natural divide in research and education
Gustav Cederlöf, Anders Burman, Alf Hornborg
(2025) Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography
Journal articleTrump får våra illusioner att rämna
Alf Hornborg
(2025) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleEkonomi och rationalitet : Förutsättningar för teknikutveckling
Alf Hornborg
(2025) Teknikundervisning i skolan
Journal articleThe root of all evil : Money as the common driver of climate change and loss of diversity
Alf Hornborg
(2025) International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society
Journal articleChallenging the green machine : Rejoinder to Schwartzman
Andreas Roos, Alf Hornborg
(2025) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism
Journal article (letter)Envisaging the future through the lens of dualism : Unearthing the fetishism of 'technology' in Kim Stanley Robinson's The Ministry of the Future
Alf Hornborg
(2025) Cultural Politics
Journal articleThe trope of 'the ecological Indian' in retrospect : Reflections on the concept of indigeneity
Alf Hornborg
(2025) Kritisk etnografi - Swedish journal of anthropology
Journal articleProgress as neocolonialism : Why decoloniality must imply a farewell to development
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Decolonial Sweden , p.235-249
Book chapter(De)colonial Sweden in the world : An email conversation
Seema Arora-Jonsson, Maria Eriksson Baaz, Stefan Helgesson, Alf Hornborg, Paula Mählck, et al.
(2024) Decolonial Sweden , p.287-311
Book chapterBeyond the veil of market prices : The implications of ecologically unequal exchange for conceptualizations of technological development
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Contributions to Political Economy
Journal articleDefetishizing money : Perspectives from economic anthropology
Alf Hornborg
(2024) HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 14 p.310-319
Journal articleTheorising ethnolinguistic diversity under globalisation : Beyond biocultural analogies
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Globalizations, 21 p.990-1008
Journal articleRadical perspectives on climate change : From critical theory to eco-marxism and beyond
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science
Journal articleBeyond Prometheanism : Modern technologies as strategies for redistributing time and space
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Environmental Values, 33 p.28-41
Journal articleSigns of life and death : The semiotic self-destruction of the biosphere
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Biosemiotics, 17 p.11-26
Journal articleComments on Maximilian Pieper, 'Technology as a Strategy of the Human? A Comparison between the Extension Concept and the Fetish Concept of Technology'
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Philosophy & Technology, 37
Journal article (comment)Beyond civilisation : How far are we prepared to go in parochialising 'progress'?
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Staying together : Natureculture in a changing world , p.97-111
Book chapterLimiting money : Redesigning the artifact that shapes modern people
Alf Hornborg
(2024) Sustainability Science
Journal articleTechnology as capital : Challenging the illusion of the green machine
Andreas Roos, Alf Hornborg
(2024) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 35 p.75-95
Journal articleThe root of all evil : Money as the common driver of climate change and loss of diversity
Alf Hornborg
(2024) International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society
Journal articleDegrowth disagreements with Marxism : Critical perspectives on the fetishisation of value and productivity
Alf Hornborg
(2024) De Gruyter Handbook of Degrowth : Propositions and Prospects
Book chapterMoney, value, and entropy
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Handbook of inequality and the environment
Book chapterImpoverishment
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Dictionary of Ecological Economics , p.282-283
Article in encyclopediaVi räddar inte klimatet genom att limma fast oss på flygplan
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleHållbarhet och rättvisefrågor hänger obönhörligen ihop
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleTechnology as capital : Challenging the illusion of the neutral machine
Alf Hornborg, Andreas Roos
(2023) Capitalizing on the sun : Critical perspectives on the global solar economy
Book chapterAcknowledging materiality without fetishizing it : Some pitfalls in speaking for matter
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Against new materialisms , p.143-160
Book chapterThe homogenisation of diversity : Processes selecting for biocultural generalism in the Anthropocene
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Kritisk etnografi - Swedish journal of anthropology , p.23-31
Journal articleEcologically unequal exchange : Disagreements with Somerville
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 34
Journal article (comment)Transhistorical perspectives on commodities, fetishism, and world-systems : Technologies of exploitation through five thousand years
Alf Hornborg
(2023) LOCUS Revista de História, 29 p.14-39
Journal articleDismantling the machine : Rethinking the role of technology in critical development theory
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Handbook on International Development and the Environment , p.57-70
Book chapterFörord: Hemkomstens ekonomi
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Hemkomstens ekonomi : Företagande bortom erövring , p.6-9
PrefaceUnpacking the black box of 'energy technology' : How abstraction and resource fungibility obscure ecologically unequal exchange
Alf Hornborg
(2023) Ecological Economics, 214
Journal articleIdentifying ecologically unequal exchange in the world-system : Implications for development
Alf Hornborg
(2023) A Modern Guide to Uneven Economic Development , p.367-388
Book chapterGrön teknik kan inte rädda vår livsstil
Alf Hornborg
(2022) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleVi är hellre kannibaler än gör avkall på vår bekväma livsstil
Alf Hornborg
(2022) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleWhy ecological economics should not adopt Marxian value theory
Alf Hornborg
(2022) Ecological Economics, 193
Journal article (comment)Whose technology? : Contribution to GTI Forum "Technology and the Future"
Alf Hornborg
(2022) Great Transition Initiative
Journal article (comment)Ecologically unequal exchange theory as genuine materialism : A response to Somerville
Alf Hornborg
(2022) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 33 p.79-84
Journal article (comment)The geology of mankind? : A critique of the Anthropocene narrative
Andreas Malm, Alf Hornborg
(2022) The Anthropocene and climate crisis , p.148-166
Book chapterDoes the Anthropocene really imply the end of culture/nature and subject/object distinctions?
Alf Hornborg
(2022) Os Mil Nomes de Gaia: do Antropoceno à idade da Terra
Book chapterMoney cannot compensate for entropy : Ecologically unequal exchange and the decoupling of economics from reality
Alf Hornborg
(2022) A triple bottom line analysis of global consumption : Economic, environmental, and social effects of pre-pandemic world trade 1990-2015 , p.39-50
Book chapterObjects don't have desires : Toward an anthropology of technology beyond anthropomorphism
Alf Hornborg
(2021) American Anthropologist, 123 p.753-766
Journal articleMachines as manifestations of global systems : Implications for a sociometabolic ontology of technology
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Anthropological Theory, 21 p.206-227
Journal articleBeyond the Image of COVID-19 as Nature's Revenge : Understanding Globalized Capitalism through an Epidemiology of Money
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Sustainability, 13
Journal articleA pandemic can do what a movement cannot
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Social Anthropology, 29 p.210-212
Journal article (letter)Magie planétaire : Technologies d'appropriation de la Rome Antique à Wall Street
Alf Hornborg
BookInterrogating the Anthropocene - Truth and Fallacy : Contribution to GTI Forum
Alf Hornborg
Web publicationThe Commodification of Human Life : Labour, Energy and Money in a Deteriorating Biosphere
Alf Hornborg
(2021) The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies , p.677-698
Book chapterGlobal patterns of ecologically unequal exchange: : Implications for sustainability in the 21st century
Christian Dorninger, Alf Hornborg, David J. Abson, Henrik Von Wehrden, Anke Schaffartzik, et al.
(2021) Ecological Economics, 179
Journal articleForeword to 'Carl Gustav Armfelt and the Struggle for Finland during the Great Northern War' by Eirik Hornborg, translated by Erik Faithfull
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Century of the Soldier 1618-1721, 65
OtherUna pandemia puede hacer lo que un movimiento no puede
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Reflexiones
Web publicationImperial metabolism : Empire as a process of ecologically unequal exchange
Alf Hornborg
(2021) The Oxford World History of Empire , p.437-459
Book chapterLimiting ourselves by limiting money : Giorgos Kallis, Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care (Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2019, 154 pp.)
Alf Hornborg
(2021) European Journal of Sociology, 62 p.494-500
ReviewSigns of power and the power of signs : Semiotics, materiality, and the political economy of status and consumption
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Status, Consumption, and Sustainability : Ecological and Anthropological Perspectives , p.193-221
Book chapterThe Commodification of Human Life : Labour, Energy and Money in a Deteriorating Biosphere
Alf Hornborg
(2021) The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies , p.677-698
Book chapterSystem boundaries as epistemological and ethnographic problems : Assessing energy technology and socio-environmental impact
Gustav Cederlöf, Alf Hornborg
(2021) Journal of Political Ecology, 28 p.111-123
Journal articleReversing the Industrial Revolution : Theorizing the distributive dimensions of energy transitions
Alf Hornborg
(2021) Sustainability Beyond Technology : Philosophy, Critique and Implications for Human Organization , p.182-197
Book chapterThe siren call of posthumanism : A rejoinder to Cox
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Historical Materialism
Journal article (comment)Dialectical confusion : On Jason Moore's posthumanist Marxism
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Historical Materialism
Journal article (comment)Energy, space, and movement : Toward a framework for theorizing energy justice
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 102 p.8-20
Journal articleCrossing frontiers: Perspectives from the various disciplines. 1.4. Anthropology
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Rethinking the Andes-Amazonia 'Divide': A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration , p.58-66
Book chapterAnthropology in the Anthropocene
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Anthropology Today, 36 p.1-2
Journal article (comment)The World system and the Earth system : Struggles with the society/nature binary in world-system analysis and ecological Marxism
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Journal of World-Systems Research, 26 p.184-202
Journal articleRethink money first : Contribution to GTI Forum "Universal Basic Income: Has the Time Come?"
Alf Hornborg
(2020) Great Transition Initiative
Journal article (comment)La geología de la especie humana? : Una crítica al discurso del Antropoceno
Andreas Malm, Alf Hornborg
OtherThe Anthropocene
Alf Hornborg
(2020) International Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Article in encyclopedia171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
Per Adman, Mats Alvesson, Elina Andersson, Mimmi Maria Barmark, Ebba Brink, et al.
(2019) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleA globalised solar-powered future is wholly unrealistic - and our economy is the reason why
Alf Hornborg
(2019) The Conversation
Journal articleDärför har både miljörörelsen och arbetarrörelsen misslyckats i kampen för en bättre värld : [Recension av Bruno Latour, 'Down to Earth']
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Dagens Nyheter
ReviewGame of Thrones was about the horror of fossil fuels all along
Alf Hornborg
(2019) The Conversation
Journal articleThe imperative of redesigning money to achieve degrowth
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Towards a Political Economy of Degrowth , p.193-207
Book chapterHas Cuba Exposed the Myth of "Free" Solar Power? : Energy, Space, and Justice
Alf Hornborg, Gustav Cederlöf, Andreas Roos
(2019) Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2 p.989-1008
Journal articleReview of 'Down to Earth: politics in the new climatic regime'
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 25 p.625-626
ReviewColonialism in the Anthropocene : The Political Ecology of the Money-Energy-Technology Complex
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 10 p.7-21
Journal articleThe Money-Energy-Technology Complex and Ecological Marxism : Rethinking the Concept of "Use-Value" to Extend Our Understanding of Unequal Exchange, Part I
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 30 p.27-39
Journal articleThe Anthropocene Challenge to our Worldview
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Research Handbook on Global Climate Constitutionalism , p.17-30
Book chapterThe Money-Energy-Technology Complex and Ecological Marxism : Rethinking the Concept of "Use-Value" to Extend Our Understanding of Unequal Exchange, Part II
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 30 p.71-86
Journal articleReview of 'The Returns of Fetishism: Charles de Brosses and the Afterlives of an Idea'
Alf Hornborg
(2019) Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 25 p.412-413
ReviewNature, Society and Justice in the Anthropocene : Unraveling the Money-Energy-Technology Complex
Alf Hornborg
BookDet folkliga missnöjet väcker medelklassens förakt [En medelklasseuropés bekännelser]
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Dagens arena
Journal articleToward an alternative dialogue between the social and natural sciences
Johannes Persson, Alf Hornborg, Lennart Olsson, Henrik Thorén
(2018) Ecology and Society, 23
Journal articleRelationism as revelation or prescription? : Some thoughts on how Ingold's implicit critique of modernity could be harnessed to political ecology
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 43 p.253-263
Journal articlePopulism, politik och den handfallna vänstern
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Ordfront Magasin, 2018
Newspaper articleWhy you can't have free trade and save the planet
Alf Hornborg
(2018) The Conversation
Journal articleVem har råd med miljöteknik? : Tankar kring teknikfetischism, ojämnt utbyte och förnekelsen av globala rättvisefrågor
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Rum för eftertanke : En antologi om att utmana det invanda , p.102-118
Book chapterDet vansinniga business as usual [De nya optimisterna och Upplysningen] : [Är business as usual verkligen förnuftigt?]
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Ordfront Magasin, 2018 p.32-35
ReviewGames People Play : Money, Machines, and Magic
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Dark Mountain, 13 p.251-260
Book chapterLong-Distance Exchange and Ritual Technologies of Power in the Pre-Hispanic Andes
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Trade and Civilization : Economic Networks and Cultural Ties, from Prehistory to the Early Modern Era , p.471-493
Book chapterThe Root of All Evil : Money, Markets, and the Prospects of Rewriting the Rules of the Game
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology , p.41-59
Book chapterLa magie mondialisée du Technocène : Capital, échanges inégaux et moralité
Alf Hornborg
(2018) Penser l'anthropocène , p.97-112
Book chapterFetishistic Causation
Alf Hornborg
(2017) HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7 p.89-103
Journal article"Game of thrones" bearbetar mänsklighetens klimatångest
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleDjup motsättning : En global minoritet förstör planeten
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleIb' al-mustahlik al-abyad: al-neolibiraliyya laysat wasfa liltanimiyya
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Al-Akhbar , p.10-11
Newspaper articleDärför är det inte trovärdigt att påstå att världen blir bättre
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleTo save humanity and the planet, we must redesign money
Alf Hornborg
(2017) The Conversation
Journal articleLa Era del Tecnoceno : Capital, Intercambio Desigual y Moralidad
Alf Hornborg
(2017) PuroChamuyo
Journal articleThe magic of money and the illusion of biofuels : Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of technology
Alf Hornborg
(2017) The European Physical Journal Plus, 132
Journal articleConvictions, beliefs, and the suspension of disbelief : On the insidious logic of neoliberalism
Alf Hornborg
(2017) HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7 p.553-558
Journal articleHow can economic anthropologists contribute to a more just society?
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Economic Anthropology, 4 p.149-151
Journal articleHow to turn an ocean liner: A proposal for voluntary degrowth by redesigning money for sustainability, justice, and resilience
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Journal of Political Ecology, 24 p.623-632
Journal articleResilience, Power and Money: Limitations and Prospects of Systems Ecology in Envisaging a Sustainable World Economy
Alf Hornborg
(2017) The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience , p.147-158
Book chapterDithering while the planet burns : Anthropologists’ approaches to the Anthropocene
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Reviews in Anthropology, 46 p.61-77
Journal articleMistranslating relationism and absolving the market : A response to Marisol de la Cadena
Alf Hornborg
(2017) HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7 p.19-21
Journal article (comment)Redesigning Money to Curb Globalization: Can We Domesticate the Root of All Evil?
Alf Hornborg
(2017) The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress , p.291-307
Book chapterArtifacts have consequences, not agency: Toward a critical theory of global environmental history
Alf Hornborg
(2017) European Journal of Social Theory, 20 p.95-110
Journal articleSome analytical tradeoffs of talking about tradeoffs: On perspectives lost in estimating the costs and benefits of inequality
Alf Hornborg
(2017) The Give and Take of Sustainability: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives on Tradeoffs , p.272-283
Book chapterPolitical Ecology and Unequal Exchange
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Routledge Handbook of Ecological Economics , p.39-47
Book chapterEn basinkomst för lokalt utbyte
Alf Hornborg
(2017) Klimatmagasinet Effekt, 9 p.28-28
Journal articleResiliensens åbenbaringer : Fra den ideologiske afvaebning af katastrofen till (p)anarkiets revolutionaere implikationer
Alf Hornborg
(2016) Slagmark, 73 p.21-43
Journal articleYes, it is all about fetishism: A response to Daniel Cunha
Alf Hornborg, Andreas Malm
(2016) The Anthropocene Review, 3 p.205-207
Journal article (comment)Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Ecological Debt
(2016) Journal of Political Ecology, 23
Conference publicationIntroduction: Ecologically unequal exchange and ecological debt
Alf Hornborg, Joan Martinez-Alier
(2016) Journal of Political Ecology, 23 p.328-333
Journal articleA proposal for voluntary degrowth by redesigning money for sustainability, justice, and resilience
Alf Hornborg
(2016) European Policy Brief
Conference paperFour sustainability goals in a Swedish low-growth/degrowth context
Eléonore Fauré, Åsa Svenfelt, Göran Finnveden, Alf Hornborg
(2016) Sustainability, 8
Journal articleSprickor i den nyliberala världsbilden
Alf Hornborg
(2016) Balder - frihet, jämlikhet, solidaritet, 2016 p.17-18
Journal articleKampen om tiden: Pengar, teknik och överlevnad
Alf Hornborg
(2016) Tidens tecken, 1 p.123-136
Book chapterPost-capitalist ecologies: Energy, "value" and fetishism in the Anthropocene
Alf Hornborg
(2016) Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 27 p.61-76
Journal articleGlobal Magic: : Technologies of Appropriation from Ancient Rome to Wall Street
Alf Hornborg
(2016) Palgrave Studies in Anthropology of Sustainability
BookBondens, borgarens och världens tid: Om att gestalta sitt liv, med eller utan text
Alf Hornborg
(2016) Historiens hemvist: Historiemedvetandets förvandlingar, volym 1 , p.365-386
Book chapterThe Political Economy of Techno-Fetishism: Agency, Amazonian Ontologies, and Global Magic
Alf Hornborg
(2015) HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 5 p.35-57
Journal articleRevisiting the Image of Limited Good: On Sustainability, Thermodynamics, and the Illusion of Creating Wealth
Paul Trawick, Alf Hornborg
(2015) Current Anthropology, 56 p.1-27
Journal articleRedesigning money to curb globalization: Can we domesticate the root of all evil?
Alf Hornborg
(2015) Working Paper Series
Working paperWhy Economics Needs to be Distinguished from Physics, and Why Economists Need to Talk to Physicists: A Response to Foster and Holleman
Alf Hornborg
(2015) Journal of Peasant Studies, 42 p.187-192
Journal articleCan EEMRIO analyses establish the occurrence of ecologically unequal exchange?
Christian Dorninger, Alf Hornborg
(2015) Ecological Economics, 119 p.414-418
Journal articleAfterword
Alf Hornborg
(2015) Sustainability as Myth and Practice in the Global City , p.382-390
Book chapterConceptualizing Ecologically Unequal Exchange: Society and Nature Entwined
Alf Hornborg
(2015) Handbook of Political Ecology , p.378-388
Book chapterIndustrial Societies
Alf Hornborg
(2015) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 11 p.863-867
Article in encyclopediaThe Political Ecology of the Technocene: Uncovering Ecologically Unequal Exchange in the World-System
Alf Hornborg
(2015) The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking Modernity in a New Epoch , p.57-69
Book chapterPolitical Economy, Ethnogenesis, and Language Dispersals in the Prehispanic Andes: A World-System Perspective
Alf Hornborg
(2014) American Anthropologist, 116 p.810-823
Journal article1812, 1912, 2012 - Tre nedslag i industrisamhällets historia
Alf Hornborg
(2014) Antropologi och tid
Book chapterCorrelating Landesque Capital and Ethnopolitical Integration in Pre-Columbian South America
Alf Hornborg, Love Eriksen, Ragnheidur Bogadottir
(2014) Landesque Capital: The Historical Ecology of Enduring Landscape Modifications , p.215-231
Book chapter1812, 1912, 2012 - tre nedslag i industrisamhällets historia
Alf Hornborg
(2014) Nya Argus, 107 p.197-203
Journal articleWhy Solar Panels Don't Grow on Trees: Technological Utopianism and the Uneasy Relation between Marxism and Ecological Economics
Alf Hornborg
(2014) Green Utopianism , p.76-97
Book chapterThe geology of mankind? A critique of the Anthropocene narrative
Andreas Malm, Alf Hornborg
(2014) The Anthropocene Review, 1 p.62-69
Journal articleEcological Economics, Marxism, and Technological Progress: Some Explorations of the Conceptual Foundations of Theories of Ecologically Unequal Exchange
Alf Hornborg
(2014) Ecological Economics, 105 p.11-18
Journal articleWorld-systems Analysis
Alf Hornborg
(2014) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology , p.7910-7914
Article in encyclopediaTechnology as Fetish: Marx, Latour, and the Cultural Foundations of Capitalism
Alf Hornborg
(2014) Theory, Culture & Society, 31 p.119-140
Journal articleDen vite konsumentens börda
Alf Hornborg
(2013) Att svära i kyrkan - Tjugo röster om evig tillväxt på en ändlig planet , p.67-79
Book chapterThe Thermodynamics of Imperialism : Toward an Ecological Theory of Unequal Exchange
Alf Hornborg
(2013) The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy : A Reader
Book chapterRevelations of Resilience: From the Ideological Disarmament of Disaster to the Revolutionary Implications of (P)anarchy
Alf Hornborg
(2013) Resilience - International Policies, Practices and Discourses, 1 p.116-129
Journal articleThe Fossil Interlude: Euro-American Power and the Return of the Physiocrats
Alf Hornborg
(2013) Cultures of Energy : Power, Practices, Technologies , p.41-59
Book chapterKin Terminologies as Linguistic Imprints of Regional Processes: The Socio-ecological Contexts of Close versus Distant Marriage Patterns in Indigenous Amazonia
Alf Hornborg
(2013) Kinship Systems: Change and Reconstruction , p.123-132
Book chapterSubmitting to Objects: Animism, Fetishism, and the Cultural Foundations of Capitalism
Alf Hornborg
(2013) The Handbook of Contemporary Animism , p.244-259
Book chapterVår syn på pengar och ny teknik den verkliga krisen
Alf Hornborg
(2012) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper article1812, 1912, 2012 - Three Moments in the History of Industrialism
Alf Hornborg
(2012) Glimpsing Paths: Being and Acting in Times of (Un)Certainty , p.28-37
Book chapterIntroduction: Ecology and Power
Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark, Kenneth Hermele
(2012) Ecology and Power: Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present, and Future
Book chapterAccumulation: Land as a Medium of Domination
Alf Hornborg
(2012) Ecology and Power: Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present, and Future
Book chapterSolpaneler växer inte på träd
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Kollega : en kompis till dig som är medlem i Unionen
Journal articleSamhällsvetare och naturvetare i samspråk om mark
Alf Hornborg, Lennart Olsson
(2011) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle
Journal articleDarwin, antropologi och kulturella selektionsprocesser
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Människan sedd: Olika vetenskapliga prismor , p.101-111
Book chapterGlobal Environmental History
Alf Hornborg
(2011) World System History. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
Article in encyclopediaFetishism, Unequal Exchange, and Global Ecology
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Suomen Antropologi, 36 p.37-39
Journal articleIntroduction: Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia
Alf Hornborg, Jonathan D. Hill
(2011) Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia: Reconstructing Past Identities from Archaeology, Linguistics, and Ethnohistory , p.1-27
Book chapterAn Attempt to Understand Panoan Ethnogenesis in Relation to Long-Term Patterns and Transformations of Regional Interaction in Western Amazonia
Alf Hornborg, Love Eriksen
(2011) Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia , p.129-154
Book chapterReview of F. Santos-Granero, 'Vital Enemies: Slavery, Predation, and the Amerindian Political Economy of Life'
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 16 p.460-462
ReviewStructuring Sustainability Science
Anne Jerneck, Lennart Olsson, Barry Ness, Stefan Anderberg, Matthias Baier, et al.
(2011) Sustainability Science, 6 p.69-82
Journal articleComment on David Graeber, 'Consumption'
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Current Anthropology, 52 p.505-506
Journal article (letter)Interacting Landscapes: Toward a Truly Global Environmental History
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Handbook of World-Systems Analysis
Book chapterRethinking the Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the West: Historical Contingencies and the Global Prerequisites of Modern Technology
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Rethinking Time: Essays on Historical Consciousness, Memory, and Representation, 9 p.267-275
Book chapterSocial and natural scientists in conversations on land
Alf Hornborg, Lennart Olsson
(2011) Sustainability: Journal from the Swedish Research Council Formas, 2011 p.1-5
Journal articleMöjliga pengar och omöjliga maskiner: Några tankar kring olika försök att ingripa i kapitalismens logik
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Om möjligheter, för människan och allt annat levande , p.54-73
Book chapterThe Only Way of Achieving Sustainability
Alf Hornborg
(2011) Adbusters: Journal of the Mental Environment, 19
Journal articleEtnobiologi, antropologi och humanekologi: Studier av traditionell kunskap om naturen
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Nycklar till kunskap: Om människans bruk av naturen , p.17-24
Book chapterReview of W. Balée & C. Erickson, eds., 'Time and Complexity in Historical Ecology'
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Tipiti, 6 p.130-132
ReviewUneven Development as a Result of the Unequal Exchange of Time and Space: Some Conceptual Issues
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 26 p.36-52
Journal articleReview of J. Radkau, Nature and Power: A Global History of the Environment
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Comparative Studies in Society and History, 52 p.213-215
ReviewInternational Trade and Environmental Justice: Toward a Global Political Ecology
(2010) Environmental research advances serie
BookMark och makt
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, 2010
Journal articleSvenska bönders ansträngningar - på soptippen
Alf Hornborg
(2010) FUF-bladet, 2010 p.4-4
Journal articleReview of M. Alexiades, ed. 'Mobility and Migration in Indigenous Amazonia: Contemporary Ethnoecological Perspectives'
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Tipiti, 8
ReviewTowards a Truly Global Environmental History: A Review Article
Alf Hornborg
(2010) Review: Journal of the Fernand Braudel Centre, 33 p.295-323
Journal articleIn Defense of the Nature/Culture Distinction: Why Anthropology can Neither Dispense With, nor be Reduced to, Semiotics
Alf Hornborg
(2009) Cognitive Semiotics , p.92-115
Journal articleZero-Sum World: Challenges in Conceptualizing Environmental Load Displacement and Ecologically Unequal Exchange in the World-System
Alf Hornborg
(2009) International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50 p.237-262
Journal articleLänge leve undergången (Det goda sammanbrottet)
Alf Hornborg
(2008) Dagens Nyheter , p.4-5
Newspaper articleMachine fetishism and the consumer's burden
Alf Hornborg
(2008) Anthropology Today, 24 p.4-5
Journal articleEnvironmental load displacement in world history
Alf Hornborg
(2008) Sustainable Development in a Globalized World , p.94-116
Book chapterFootprints in the cotton fields: The Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement
Alf Hornborg
(2008) Recent Developments in Ecological Economics , p.94-116
Book chapterRethinking environmental history: World-system history and global environmental change
(2007) Globalization and the Environment
BookRegional integration and ecology in prehistoric Amazonia: Toward a system perspective
Alf Hornborg
(2007) The world system and the Earth system: Global socioenvironmental change and sustainability since the Neolithic , p.210-228
Book chapterFootprints in the cotton fields: The Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement
Alf Hornborg
(2007) Rethinking environmental history: World-system history and global environmental change , p.259-272
Book chapterIntroduction: Environmental history as political ecology
Alf Hornborg
(2007) Rethinking environmental history: World-system history and global environmental change , p.1-24
Book chapterLearning from the Tiv: Why a sustainable economy would have to be multicentric
Alf Hornborg
(2007) Culture and Agriculture, 29 p.63-69
Journal articleVi konsumerar andras arbete och landskap
Alf Hornborg
(2007) Konsumera mera - dyrköpt lycka, 12 p.97-109
Book chapterIntroduction: Conceptualizing socioecological systems
Alf Hornborg
(2007) The world system and the Earth system: Global socioenvironmental change and sustainability since the Neolithic , p.1-11
Book chapterAnimism, fetishism, and objectivism as strategies for knowing (or not knowing) the world
Alf Hornborg
(2006) Ethnos, 71 p.21-32
Journal articleCornucopia or zero-sum game? The epistemology of sustainability
Alf Hornborg
(2006) Globalization and the environment
Book chapterVad är pengar egentligen? Semiotiska och ekologiska perspektiv på det universella lösningsmedlet
Alf Hornborg
(2006) Tredje Rummet 2002-2006
Book chapterEcosystems and world-systems: Accumulation as an ecological process
Alf Hornborg
(2006) Global social change: Historical and comparative perspectives , p.161-175
Book chapterFlödet av resurser avgör global miljö
Alf Hornborg
(2006) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, 06 p.8-9
Journal articleGrund- och forskarutbildningen i humanekologi vid Lunds universitet : En självvärdering.
Alf Hornborg, Thomas Malm, Magnus Wikdahl
(2006) Humanekologiska rapporter
ReportFootprints in the cotton fields: The Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement
Alf Hornborg
(2006) Ecological Economics, 59 p.74-81
Journal articleAmazonas som kulturlandskap: Förhistoriska kulturella processer i Sydamerikas lågländer
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Arkeologi och naturvetenskap
Book chapterEthnogenesis, regional integration, and ecology in prehistoric Amazonia: Toward a system perspective
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Current Anthropology, 46 p.589-620
Journal articleResisting the black hole of neoclassical formalism in economic anthropology: A polemic
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Peopled economies: Conversations with Stephen Gudeman
Book chapterFotavtryck i bomullsfälten: Den industriella revolutionen som miljöbelastningsförskjutning
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Polhem: tidskrift för teknikhistoria, 2 p.11-24
Journal articlePerspectives on Diamond's "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed"
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Current Anthropology, 46 p.91-99
Journal articleCultural ecology
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History 2
Article in encyclopediaWarfare: Pre-Columbian South America
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History 5
Article in encyclopediaUndermining modernity: Protecting landscapes and meanings among the Mi´kmaq of Nova Scotia
Alf Hornborg
(2005) Political ecology across spaces, scales, and social groups
Book chapterThe world system unmasked: Thoughts on globalization, power, and meaning in the shadow of September 11
Alf Hornborg
(2004) Culture, security and sustainable social development after September 11
Book chapterHumanekologiska perspektiv på hållbar produktion och konsumtion: Helhetssyn på integrerad produktpolicy (IPP)
Alf Hornborg, Sabina Andrén, Madeleine Arderup
(2004) Naturvårdsverket
ReportTeknik, ekologi och ojämnt utbyte: Ett rättviseperspektiv på utveckling
Alf Hornborg
(2004) Miljö och hållbar utveckling: Samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv från en lundahorisont , p.269-308
Book chapterReview of N. Smith, "Amazon Sweet Sea: Land, Life, and Water at the River's Mouth"
Alf Hornborg
(2004) Tipiti, 2 p.184-185
Review"Neolithization," ethnogenesis, and material culture: A view from Amazonia
Alf Hornborg
(2004) Coast to coast - arrival: Results and reflections
Book chapterFörord
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Tjugo år med kärngårdar: Ett nätverk som minskar vår sårbarhet och bevarar hotade livsvärden
Book chapterFrom animal masters to ecosystem services: Exchange, personhood, and human ecology
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Imagining nature: Practices of cosmology and identity
Book chapterCornucopia or zero-sum game? The epistemology of sustainability
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Journal of World-Systems Research, 9 p.3-14
Journal articleThe unequal exchange of time and space: Toward a non-normative ecological theory of exploitation
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Att förstå och att förändra världen: En festskrift för Jan-Otto Andersson
Book chapterModernitet och ekologisk revolution
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Hela världen: Samhälleliga och kulturella perspektiv på miljökrisen , p.317-328
Book chapterThe unequal exchange of time and space: Toward a non-normative ecological theory of exploitation
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Journal of Ecological Anthropology, 7 p.4-10
Journal articleFinns det mening i naturen? Ett "ekosemiotiskt" perspektiv på den s.k. miljökrisen
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Nysyner: Gränsöverskridande möten, forum för natur - kultur
Book chapterEkosystem, världssystem och "miljörättvisa": Om hållbarhetens globala fördelningsaspekter
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Vägar till kunskap: Några aspekter på humanvetenskaplig och annan miljöforskning
Book chapterNär världssystemet visar sitt ansikte: Tankar kring globalisering, makt och mening i skuggan av den 11 september
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Kultur, säkerhet och hållbar samhällsutveckling efter 11 september
Book chapterSjälvets gränser och fasor i olika kulturer: En introduktion till psykologisk antropologi
Alf Hornborg
(2003) Moderna människor: Antropologiska perspektiv på samtiden
Book chapterTillväxt och teknikutveckling som ymnighetshorn eller nollsummespel
Alf Hornborg
(2002) Naturen som brytpunkt: Om miljöfrågans mystifieringar, konflikter och motsägelser
Book chapterComment on Gísli Pálsson and Kristín Hardardóttir, "For whom the cell tolls: Debates about biomedicine"
Alf Hornborg
(2002) Current Anthropology, 43 p.291-292
Journal articleReview of T. Ingold, "The perception of the environment: Essays in livelihood, dwelling and skill"
Alf Hornborg
(2002) Ethnos, 67 p.121-122
ReviewPå vilket språk ska vi tala om människan?
Alf Hornborg
(2001) Sydsvenska dagbladet
Newspaper articleEcological embeddedness and personhood: Have we always been capitalists?
Alf Hornborg
(2001) Ecology and the sacred: Engaging the anthropology of Roy A. Rappaport
Book chapterSymbolic technologies: Machines and the Marxian notion of fetishism
Alf Hornborg
(2001) Anthropological Theory, 1 p.473-496
Journal articleThe power of the machine: Global inequalities of economy, technology, and environment
Alf Hornborg
BookVital signs: An ecosemiotic perspective on the human ecology of Amazonia
Alf Hornborg
(2001) Sign Systems Studies, 29 p.121-152
Journal articleHjälper oss biologin förklara mänsklig beteendevariation?
Alf Hornborg
(2001) Rig, 2001 p.165-169
Journal articleGudarnas föda och svart guld: Teknik, fetischism och exploatering i andinsk och europeisk civilisation
Alf Hornborg
(2001) Tillväxten ifrågasatt
Book chapterFrom animal masters to ecosystem services: Exchange, personhood, and ecological practice
Alf Hornborg
(2000) Negotiating Nature: Culture, Power, and Environmental Argument, 2 p.133-152
Book chapterYmnighetshorn eller nollsummespel? Från beroendeteori till miljörättvisa.
Alf Hornborg
(2000) Socialistisk Debatt, 34 p.49-58
Journal articleAccumulation based on symbolic versus intrinsic "productivity": Conceptualizing unequal exchange from Spondylus shells to fossil fuels
Alf Hornborg
(2000) World System History: The Social Science of Long-Term Change , p.235-252
Book chapterKan vi hoppas på en ny, global etik?
Alf Hornborg
(2000) Utrikesperspektiv, 2000 p.24-25
Journal articleIntroduction: Negotiating nature
Alf Hornborg, Gísli Pálsson
(2000) Negotiating Nature: Culture, Power, and Environmental Argument, 2 p.7-15
Book chapterÖstarpprojektet - Lokala kunskapsprocesser för självbärande kretsloppssystem: Experimentell agrarhistoria och "ekologisk produktion"
Alf Hornborg, Pernille Gooch, Folke Günther, Lennart Peterson
(2000) Humanekologiska rapporter
ReportNegotiating nature: Culture, power, and environmental argument
(2000) Lund Studies in Human Ecology, 2
BookComment on Nurit Bird-David, "'Animism' Revisited: Personhood, Environment, and Relational Epistemology"
Alf Hornborg
(1999) Current Anthropology, 40 p.80-81
Journal article reviewMoney and the semiotics of ecosystem dissolution
Alf Hornborg
(1999) Journal of Material Culture, 4 p.143-162
Journal articleComment on Peter Brosius, "Anthropological Engagements with Environmentalism"
Alf Hornborg
(1999) Current Anthropology, 40 p.294-294
Journal article reviewTraditionen och det moderna tillståndet: Om att återerövra platsen
Alf Hornborg
(1999) Perspektiv på traditionen, 1999 p.187-207
Book chapterEkosystem, världssystem och miljörättvisa: Om "grön" beroendeteori och hållbarhetens fördelningsaspekter
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Hållbart samhälle: En antologi om mål, möjligheter, medel och makt , p.100-119
Book chapterWorld systems in the Andes
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Past and present in Andean prehistory and early history, 42 p.103-117
Book chapterMiljöhistoria, humanekologi och ekologisk antropologi: Skillnader och konvergenser
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Miljöhistoria idag och imorgon : rapport från en miljöhistorisk konferens vid Högskolan i Karlstad 9-10 april 1997, 5 p.105-123
Book chapterTowards an ecological theory of unequal exchange: Articulating world system theory and ecological economics
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Ecological Economics, 25 p.127-136
Journal articleEn ekologisk revolution? Det moderna utmanat
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Tvärsnitt - om humanistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning, 1998 p.65-71
Journal articleEcological embeddedness and personhood: Have we always been capitalists?
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Rain, 14 p.3-5
Journal articleGudarnas föda och svart guld: Teknik, fetischism och exploatering i andinsk och europeisk civilisation
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Häften för kritiska studier, 31 p.3-14
Journal articleEcosystems and world systems: Accumulation as an ecological process
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Journal of World-Systems Research, 4 p.169-177
Journal articleIntroduction: Voices of the land
Alf Hornborg, Mikael Kurkiala
(1998) Voices of the Land: Identity and Ecology in the Margins, 1 p.7-13
Book chapterEcological crisis as a crisis of society: A plea for contextualism and holism
Alf Hornborg
(1998) The art of natural resource management , p.451-464
Book chapterOpposition, hierarchy and gender in aboriginal South America: Linguistic and architectural homologies
Alf Hornborg
(1998) The world-view of prehistoric man , p.93-102
Book chapterSerial redundancy in Amazonian social structure: Is there a method for poststructuralist comparison?
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Transformations of kinship , p.168-186
Book chapterVoices of the land: Identity and ecology in the margins
(1998) Lund Studies in Human Ecology, 1
BookEncompassing encompassment: Identity, economy, and ecology
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Voices of the Land: Identity and Ecology in the Margins, 1 p.17-33
Book chapterMänniskans försörjning: Teknologi, ekologi och ekonomi i ett globalt och historiskt perspektiv
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Humanekologiska perspektiv på människans tillvaro , p.292-318
Book chapterMi'kmaq environmentalism: Local incentives and global projections
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Sustainability - the challenge: People, power and the environment , p.202-211
Book chapterThe Mi´kmaq of Nova Scotia: Environmentalism, ethnicity, and sacred places
Alf Hornborg
(1998) Voices of the Land: Identity and Ecology in the Margins, 1 p.135-172
Book chapterMiljökamp hos mi'kmaq: Identitet och politik
Alf Hornborg
(1997) Att kräva livet åter: Ursprungsfolk i kamp för sin miljö och kultur , p.30-38
Book chapterLandskapet som "text"? Några funderingar kring ett stycke svensk skärgård
Alf Hornborg
(1997) Moderna landskap: Identifikation och tradition i vardagen , p.207-219
Book chapterReview of P. Harries-Jones, "A recursive vision: Gregory Bateson and ecological understanding"
Alf Hornborg
(1997) Ethnos, 62 p.147-149
ReviewDual organisering, hierarki og firedelingslogik i Andes: En komparativ tilgang
Alf Hornborg
(1997) Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 35-36 p.89-100
Journal articleLa visión de Nordenskiöld sobre la difusión cultural transpacífika
Alf Hornborg
(1997) Erland Nordenskiöld: Investigador y amigo del indígena , p.155-170
Book chapterRecension av C. Lindberg, "Erland Nordenskiöld: En antropologisk biografi"
Alf Hornborg
(1996) Acta Americana, 4 p.68-74
ReviewEcology as semiotics: Outlines of a contextualist paradigm for human ecology
Alf Hornborg
(1996) Nature and society: Anthropological perspectives , p.45-62
Book chapterNature and society: A contested interface
Alf Hornborg, Gísli Pálsson
(1996) Lundalinjer , p.43-57
Journal articleThe root of all evil: Towards a transdisciplinary understanding of accumulation
Alf Hornborg
(1996) Challenges in environmental human dimensions research: Some Swedish perspectives, 96 p.46-53
Book chapterAtt få tala som en hövding: Om framväxten av en ny självbild hos mikmak
Alf Hornborg
(1995) Den obrutna cirkeln: Motstånd och överlevnad bland Amerikas indianer , p.157-183
Book chapterHur kan samhället se på jordbrukets långsiktiga funktion ur ett globalt perspektiv?
Alf Hornborg
(1995) Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens tidskrift, 134 p.11-16
Journal articleReview of D. Steiner & M. Nauser, "Human Ecology: Fragments of anti-fragmentary views of the world"
Alf Hornborg
(1995) Ecological Economics, 14 p.209-211
ReviewOm vikten av att inte blunda för motsättningar i kretsloppsarbetet
Alf Hornborg
(1995) Humanekologi, 13 p.27-32
Journal articleKultur, ekologi och hållbar utveckling: Lokal kunskap och det moderna förnuftets U-sväng
Alf Hornborg
(1994) Facta & Futura: Kritiska studier av framtidsbilder, 1994 p.20-31
Journal articleEnvironmentalism, ethnicity and sacred places: Reflections on modernity, discourse and power
Alf Hornborg
(1994) Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 31 p.245-267
Journal articleAntropologi som utsiktsplats och revolution
Alf Hornborg
(1994) Den antropologiska erfarenheten , p.325-343
Book chapterEncompassing encompassment: Anthropology and the U-turn of modernity
Alf Hornborg
(1994) Ethnos, 59 p.232-247
Journal articleOrden som fjärmar oss: Ekologi, mening och språk
Alf Hornborg
(1994) Lundaforskare föreläser, 26 p.107-113
Book chapterVärldssystem och helhetsperspektiv: Om ekonomi, teknologi och exergi
Alf Hornborg
(1994) Häften för kritiska studier, 94 p.26-34
Journal articleReview of E. Croll & D. Parkin, "Bush base - forest farm: Culture, environment and development"
Alf Hornborg
(1993) Ethnos, 58 p.394-396
ReviewDistinctions that mystify: Technology versus economy and other fragmentations
Alf Hornborg
(1993) Knowledge and Policy, 6 p.37-45
Journal articleReview of S. R. Couch & J. S. Kroll-Smith, "Societies at risk: Environmental hazards and technological change"
Alf Hornborg
(1993) Anthropologica, 35 p.131-132
ReviewEnvironmentalism and identity on Cape Breton: On the social and existential conditions for criticism
Alf Hornborg
(1993) Green arguments and local subsistence , p.128-161
Book chapterPanoan marriage sections: A comparative perspective
Alf Hornborg
(1993) Ethnology, 32 p.101-108
Journal articleMachine fetishism, value, and the image of unlimited good: Towards a thermodynamics of imperialism
Alf Hornborg
(1992) Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 27 p.1-18
Journal article