HUGE - Programstruktur
Master, 120 hp
År 1, Termin 1
- SGEM20 Geographical Thought, 7.5 hp
- SGEM21 Geographies of Economies: Transforming Places, People and Production, 7.5 hp
- HEKM20 Transdisciplinary Critical Theory of Science, 7.5 hp
- SGEM22 Landscape and Political Ecology, 7.5 hp
År 1, Termin 2
- SGEM23 Geographies of Economies: Urban and Regional Planning, 7.5 hp
- SGEM24 Critical Urban Geography, 7.5 hp
- SGER50 GIS: Geographical Information Systems for the Social Sciences, 7.5 hp
- SGEM25 GIS and Fieldwork Methodology, 7.5 hp
År 2, Termin 3
- 30 hp av valfria kurser
- 15 hp av valfria kurser + 15 hp Praktik
- 30 hp Praktik
År 2, Termin 4
- Masteruppsats, 30 hp
Magister, 60 hp
År 1, Termin 1
- SGEM20 Geographical Thought, 7.5 hp
- SGEM21 Geographies of Economies: Transforming Places, People and Production, 7.5 hp
- HEKM20 Transdisciplinary Critical Theory of Science, 7.5 hp or SGEG50 GIS: Geographical Information Systems for the Social Sciences, 7.5 hp
- SGEM22 Landscape and Political Ecology, 7.5 hp
År 1, Termin 2
- 15 hp av valfria kurser eller 15 hp Praktik
- Magisteruppsats, 15 hp
HUGE Kontaktuppgifter
Anders Lund Hansen
anders [dot] lund_hansen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se
Alla Shylova
huge [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se