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Maria Andrea Nardi

Maria Andrea Nardi


Maria Andrea Nardi

Eco-friendly business or environmental injustices? : International energy investments and indigenous struggles in Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Andrea Nardi
  • Jacobo Ramirez

Summary, in English

In diverse countries of the continent, environmental transformations -and the injustices connected- have traditionally been studied in the case of extractive industries, such as mining, oil or agriculture. However, in the present study we want to discuss these concerns in the context of mega-projects that are commonly considered part of a “sustainable development”. Renewable, clean or green technology is not usually framed as ‘extractive’. We argue here that in some contexts large scale wind-parks might be working against sustainable development, when producing environmental injustices and generating social discontent and protest. We propose to use an environmental justice approach in order to understand why the Zapotecas and Huaves communities are opposing the wind energy park project, or ‘clean energy’. We aimed at exploring and discussing different ways in which eco-friendly projects or green energy investments result in (re)new environmental injustices.


  • Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi








  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary

Conference name

Congress of the Nordic Latin American Research Network (NOLAN)

Conference date

2017-06-15 - 2017-06-17

Conference place

Gothemburg, Sweden

