The green transition: is sustainable and fair extraction of critical minerals possible?

The transition to more climate-friendly energy systems has increased the demand for many metals that are needed for batteries, motors and electrification. Countries, including Sweden, are now trying to secure critical access, resulting in national pressures to quickly open new mines.
Welcome to a panel discussion reflecting on the possibilities of extracting critical metals and minerals fairly and sustainably. Researchers and experts will discuss topics such as substitution of minerals, resource efficiency, labor practices, democratic and inclusive decision-making processes, and impacts of increased mining on local and marginalized populations.
They will also debate the inevitable tradeoffs between local needs and environmental concerns, and the demand for critical minerals in sustainable electrification – in the context of the neocolonial rush for critical mineral resources.
Another topic will be the implications of the European Critical Raw Materials Act, which entered into force in May 2024. The act aims to lessen Europe’s dependency on import of critical raw materials.
- André Månberger, leader of the Mistra Mineral Governance, and senior lecturer, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University
- Martina Angela Caretta, senior lecturer, Department of Human Geography, Lund University, and PI of the FORMAS-funded project, A just TRANSport TRANSformation? A TRANSnational, FEMinist analysis of the social reproduction of the lithium and copper supply chain.
- Georgia de Leeuw, postdoctoral researcher, Human Rights Studies, Lund University
- Sylvain Marpeau-Roussel, Senior Corporate Engagement Manager, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
The event is organised by Mistra Mineral Governance in collaboration with the Department of Human Geography, Human Rights Studies, and Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University.
Read more about the Mistra Mineral Governance programme
The event is part of Sustainability Week 2025, which runs between 5-10 May. Sustainability week is an annual event in Lund organised as a joint venture by Lund University and Lund municipality. The week serves as a platform for bringing together ideas, cross-disciplinary collaborations, raising public awareness and for inspiring sustainable change.
Read more about Sustainability Week
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Botulfshörnan, Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund
noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se