Daisy Charlesworth is a doctoral researcher in Human Geography at Lund University, Sweden. Her research focuses on the role of housing in the urban political economy and the potentials of cooperative alternatives to capitalist modes of housing provision. She is particularly interested in exploring the relationship between housing cooperativism, state, and market as well as the potential roles that housing cooperatives might play in contemporary welfare state restructuring processes across different housing systems and geographical contexts.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Policy amnesia and the promise of housing cooperatives : Finnish housing cooperativism from 1920 to 2020
Daisy Charlesworth
(2024) Housing Studies
Artikel i tidskrift”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
TidningsartikelHousing cooperatives and the contradictions of Finnish land and housing policies
Daisy Charlesworth, Mika Hyötyläinen
(2023) International Journal of Housing Policy
Artikel i tidskrift