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Andreas Roos


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När klimatkrisen kommer

When the climate crisis comes


  • Tatjana Boric-Persson
  • Andreas Roos
  • Paula Richter

Summary, in English

To the publicly elected politicians of Sweden: Two out of three Swedes are worried about climate change since it poses a significant threat to our safety, freedom and democracy. This pamphlet will help you to better understand how our society will be affected by the climate crisis if we do not urgently take appropriate measures. The pamphlet will also give you strategies for how to counteract this devastating development. We are facing an existential crisis. 99.94 percent of climate scientists agree that humanity has caused global heating. The causal link between our greenhouse gas emissions and the heating of the Earth is as certain as the link between smoking and lung cancer. Despite this, emissions are on the rise. According to scientists, the heating is already bringing with it massive changes and damages. These will accelerate if the emissions do not decrease rapidly. We are running out of time. It has fallen upon our generation to safeguard the survival of many species and the future of human civilization. The ultimate responsibility for our safety lies with you, in the capacity of being a publicly elected politician. Because of this, it is imperative that you do everything you can so that the Swedish government will start treating the climate crisis like the crisis it is.


  • Humanekologi








  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary

