Main research and teaching areas
- Natural resource extraction, agrarian change and development
- Political economy, ecology and geopolitics of the oceans
- Contending theories in political economy
Ongoing research
My current research can be divided into two streams. The first concerns natural resource extraction and the energy transition, where I am examining emerging strategies of accumulation of various actors (mining companies, traders, investors) around so-called 'transition minerals' underpinning current technologies of decarbonisation. The second concerns the relation between emerging infectious diseases and industrial meat production with an empirical focus on poultry production systems in Denmark and Norway. What unites both streams is an interest in developing an analysis and better understanding of "classes of capital" and various strategies of accumulation amidst crises.
My PhD-work focused on struggles around use and control of natural resources in Myanmar in the post-colonial period.
My work has been published in Journal of Peasant Studies, Journal of Agrarian Change, Journal of Rural Studies, Geoforum and Marine Policy.
In addition to my position at Lund University, I am an Associate with the Transnational Institute.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Political economy versus political Economy: bringing back classical political economy into geographic research
Ilia Farahani, Mads Barbesgaard, Peter Dau, Jostein Jakobsen
Konferensbidrag: abstractA geopolitical-economy of distant waterfisheries access arrangements
Liam Campling, Elizabeth Havice, John Virdin, Gabrielle Carmine, Mialy Andriamahefazafy, et al.
(2024) npj Ocean Sustainability
Artikel i tidskrift"Blood on the floor": The nickel commodity frontier and inter-capitalist competition under green extractivism
Mads Barbesgaard, Andy Whitmore
(2024) Journal of Political Ecology, 31 p.567-585
Artikel i tidskriftOceans : The new economic frontier?
Mads Barbesgaard
(2023) Handbook on International Development and the Environment , p.137-153
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSmoke and Minerals: How the mining industry plans to profit from the energy transition
Mads Barbesgaard, Andy Whitmore
RapportCapitalism and the Sea: The Maritime Factor in the Making of the Modern World Liam Campling & Alejandro Coles, London & New York: Verso. 2021. pp. xiv + 418 £20/$29.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781784785239
Mads Barbesgaard
(2022) Journal of Agrarian Change, 22 p.880-886
BokrecensionThe politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation
Doi Ra, Sai Sam Kham, Mads Barbesgaard, Jennifer C. Franco, Pietje Vervest
(2021) Journal of Peasant Studies, 48 p.463-475
Artikel i tidskriftAwash with contradiction : Capital, ocean space and the logics of the Blue Economy Paradigm
Felix Mallin, Mads Barbesgaard
(2020) Geoforum, 113 p.121-132
Artikel i tidskriftThe Blue Fix : What's driving blue growth?
Zoe W. Brent, Mads Barbesgaard, Carsten Pedersen
(2020) Sustainability Science , p.31-43
Artikel i tidskriftIn oceans we trust : Conservation, philanthropy, and the political economy of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area
Marc–Andrej Felix Mallin, Dennis C. Stolz, Benjamin S. Thompson, Mads Barbesgaard
(2019) Marine Policy, 107
Artikel i tidskriftOcean and land control-grabbing : The political economy of landscape transformation in Northern Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Mads Barbesgaard
(2019) Journal of Rural Studies, 69 p.195-203
Artikel i tidskriftLandscapes of Dispossession : The Production of Space in Northern Tanintharyi, Myanmar
Mads Barbesgaard
DoktorsavhandlingBlue growth : savior or ocean grabbing?
Mads Barbesgaard
(2018) Journal of Peasant Studies, 45 p.130-149
Artikel i tidskriftThe Tragedy of the Commodity: Oceans, Fisheries and Aquaculture, by Stefano B. Longo, Rebecca Clausen and Brett Clark. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 2015. Pp. xiii + 274. $29.95 (pb). ISBN: 978-0-8135-6578-1
Mads Barbesgaard
(2016) Journal of Agrarian Change, 16 p.501-503